Thursday 1 January 2009

Newborn sleeping patterns.

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby. This is a wonderful time in your life -- and a sleepless time too.

It is important to realise that newborn sleeping patterns are very different to sleeping patterns of older babies. During the early months of your baby's
life, he sleeps when he is tired, it's that simple. It is unrealistic to expect a newborn to be "sleeping through the night" soon after birth. For a new
baby, a five-hour stretch is a full night, even then most newborns may not be able to manage that.Newborn babies have very tiny tummies. Their diet is
liquid, and it digests quickly. They need to feed regularly at intervals of 2 - 4 hours even through the night.

It is natural for a newborn to fall asleep while sucking at the breast, a bottle, or a pacifier. When a baby always falls asleep this way, he learns to
associate sucking with falling asleep; over time, he cannot fall asleep any other way.Therefore, if you want your baby to be able to fall asleep by
themselves, it is essential that you sometimes let your newborn baby suck until he is sleepy, but not totally asleep. Your baby will soon learn to fall
asleep by themselves.

A newborn sleeps sixteen to eighteen hours per day, and this sleep is distributed evenly over six to seven sleep periods. By helping your baby differentiate
between day and night, your baby will start to sleep longer periods through the night and take shorter naps through the day. Have your baby take his
daytime naps in a lit room where there is noise or whitenoise, and establish a bedtime routine at night time.

Get familiar with your baby's sleepy signals such as quieting down, losing interest in people and toys, and fussing, and put her down to sleep as soon as
she seems tired. A baby who is encouraged to stay awake when her body is craving sleep is an unhappy baby.

Just remember these newborn sleeping patterns what last for long, the situation will improve day by day; and before you know it, your newborn won’t be so
little anymore — she’ll be walking and talking and getting into everything in sight…during the day, and sleeping peacefully all night long.

VisitThe baby sleep soloution for more information.

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