Saturday 24 January 2009

Choosing Graco baby cribs!

Choosing Graco baby cribs is both fun and important. There are so many different Graco baby cribs available that it may seem impossible to now which one to choose. Safety, personal preference, convenience, and price are top priorities in making the right decision for your baby.

Convertible baby cribs are a popular choice. Graco convertible baby cribs are available from a wide variety of styles, These are cribs that can easily
convert to a toddler bed, daybed or full size bed as the child grows. A four-in-one convertible crib offers the same crib styles as the three-in-one with
the addition of a twin bed design. A three-in-one convertible crib means that this crib actually has three possible uses: a baby bed, a toddler bed, and a
full size bed.Most convertible cribs require the purchase of an additional optional hardware kit to make the transition possible. Toddler beds and daybeds
often use the same crib mattress. Most convertible cribs require the purchase of an additional optional hardware kit to make the transition possible.

Take a look at the range of Graco baby cribs available!

Monday 12 January 2009

Why a baby sleep schedule is important!

One of the biggest mistakes first time parents can make is not starting a baby sleep schedule.

They figure they'll enjoy as much time as possible with their newborn baby during her first few months, they avoid creating a bedtime routine as they figure it is not necessary.
A year or two down the road, these same parents will find themselves at a loss as they now have an irritable toddler who will not go to bed. It is then they
realise the importance of a baby sleep schedule. They look jelously at all the other parents who thanks to the bedtime routine the followed from birth have
no problem getting there little ones of the bed.

A baby sleep schedule is way more important then what's convienient or not for the parents. A good bedtime routine will take a lot of work, but once it is
in place and your baby gets used to the schedule then every one will benefit.

For more information on setting a baby sleep schedule visit
the baby sleep soloution

Monday 5 January 2009

5 simple ideas to help you solve your baby sleep problems.

The key to both you and your baby getting a good nights sleep is a simple bedtime routine. If your baby knows what to expect and when to expect it, then they will be more relaxed, which will help them to fall asleep quickly and easily. What ever you choose to include in your bedtime routine, it is impotant that the routine end in babys room , and that your babys room be a comfortable, pleasant environment. Make bedtime a pleasurable time with lots of cuddles and kisses and your baby will be sure to enjoy bedtime, and will learn to fall asleep with out any fuss. Try encorporating some of the following ideas into your babies bedtime routine.

Bath time. This is one of the most popular parts of the bed time routine. sitting in warm water can be a calming and soothing experience for your baby helping to gently ease them in to bedtime.

Release pent up energy. Allow baby to have a kick about or any other activity that allows them to use up there energy before bedtime, but be sure to follow it up with calm time.

Singing. Singing your babies favourtie lullaby or playing a cd before bedtime can help to calm your baby and help them recognise that it is bedtime.

Reading. Reading bedtime stories is another favourite part of the bedtime routine, not only will baby love hearing your voice but you are encouraging your babys language skills.

Getting ready for bed. This can include putting on pyjamas, washing baby's face, changing baby's nappy and brushing teeth or gums.

Which ever ideas you choose to include in your bedtime routine ensure you stick to it and before long you will banish your baby sleep problems.

For more information on how a bedtime routine can solve your baby sleep problems Click Here

Thursday 1 January 2009

Newborn sleeping patterns.

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby. This is a wonderful time in your life -- and a sleepless time too.

It is important to realise that newborn sleeping patterns are very different to sleeping patterns of older babies. During the early months of your baby's
life, he sleeps when he is tired, it's that simple. It is unrealistic to expect a newborn to be "sleeping through the night" soon after birth. For a new
baby, a five-hour stretch is a full night, even then most newborns may not be able to manage that.Newborn babies have very tiny tummies. Their diet is
liquid, and it digests quickly. They need to feed regularly at intervals of 2 - 4 hours even through the night.

It is natural for a newborn to fall asleep while sucking at the breast, a bottle, or a pacifier. When a baby always falls asleep this way, he learns to
associate sucking with falling asleep; over time, he cannot fall asleep any other way.Therefore, if you want your baby to be able to fall asleep by
themselves, it is essential that you sometimes let your newborn baby suck until he is sleepy, but not totally asleep. Your baby will soon learn to fall
asleep by themselves.

A newborn sleeps sixteen to eighteen hours per day, and this sleep is distributed evenly over six to seven sleep periods. By helping your baby differentiate
between day and night, your baby will start to sleep longer periods through the night and take shorter naps through the day. Have your baby take his
daytime naps in a lit room where there is noise or whitenoise, and establish a bedtime routine at night time.

Get familiar with your baby's sleepy signals such as quieting down, losing interest in people and toys, and fussing, and put her down to sleep as soon as
she seems tired. A baby who is encouraged to stay awake when her body is craving sleep is an unhappy baby.

Just remember these newborn sleeping patterns what last for long, the situation will improve day by day; and before you know it, your newborn won’t be so
little anymore — she’ll be walking and talking and getting into everything in sight…during the day, and sleeping peacefully all night long.

VisitThe baby sleep soloution for more information.